sometimes i don’t be responding 2 dms it’s not personal i have episodes where i block people that possibly could be related 2 ex friends i make fun of everyone idc if they did nothing i get attached to people if they did something bad lmk i will separate myself from them on my own time. im into problematic medias but im critical of them all i don’t use tone tags genuinely or seriously ﹐ i don’t fw tcc, pro/comship, lolisho, etc i dont ship some things that i might gush over or consume content of, i vent my traumas onto them, don’t take that as pro shipping i read dead dove etc when i have older fps i tend to fake my age give me a reality check i need reality checks in general im black chinese and religiously sunni im mixed with other things that i do claim but it’s none of your business, don’t ask me to clarify or elaborate if we aren’t close i won’t force my religion on you stop asking my irl life and online life are kept separate for a reason, im not obligated to tell you my entire life story to explain myself i don’t think the travelers are minors since apparently i have to clarify that i don’t use autocorrect and i use voice messages and text to speech often my identity as a Muslim and also LGBTQ is not your business and is between me and the one i worship ONLY im delulu about some of my sources but i usually don’t say shit to peoples face if i don’t know them im a fakeclaimer im bad at texting first and i’m awkward in general i usually don’t gaf about doubles i don’t know how to set boundaries im assertive in things i believe in and i can get pissy if you disagree, especially if it’s something i strongly believe in im a sys host and i get frontstuck easily i make kys, kms, die, ip, death threat etc jokes tell me if ur uncomfortable my disorders affect my ints, i state important ones but i won’t list everything im a slur slinger and i only use slurs that affect me i throw around retard tranny dyke nigga and kike and also any variations of them dont like don’t interact i struggle with showing positive emotions, don’t expect me to sympathize or empathize with you i prefer i/me/my/my parts/headmates/alters when referring 2 my sys i have trouble reading tone and misinterpret often im dyslexic


non black people that use aave non aa people that speak on aave blood quantum , percentages , halves etc people on genetics and ethnicity doesn’t believe in critical race theory “transfem” in an afab tme body idc if ur intersex fuck out my face. niggertards that stalk me and my friends get a personality i have a specific ship dni just ask pro/com etc ex friends if u know who i am most yts esp europeans basic dni zionists anti neos included makes hitler , pedo , grooming , abuse , rape , incest , fat jokes (ur annoying asffff) if it applies 2 u it’s whatever but using it on others esp ppl u don’t know weird as hell if u think there’s a “right way” 2 sh if u say others are faking trauma especially ramcoa victims blocks me but wants 2 be me…? has problems with any of my friends unless they did some actually bad shit makes fun of or disses anyone in my fg , partner , or ps anti any of my ships esp the ones i’m delulu about endo/non traumagen systems ++ neutrals or supporters dsmp fans hardcore genshin idv (both) honkai fans enstars fans thinks blackwashing exists thinks calling someone who’s b/w an oreo is RACIST (if ur also blk) people who go by names that are part of cultures / ethnicities that are not theirs. no mizuki i don’t care that your source is pjsk you are white and tme ♥️ if u believe alters can’t be nonhuman or if u make fun of nonhuman alters believe in alter race irls i hate u niggas also irl safespaces if u claim every race / ethnicity under the sun and speak for and over all those groups if u claim aspd under 18 kys kys kys anti fujo anti femstars